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[ROM] [KK4.4.4][PIE][CM11s] ★★★ DroidKang v6.1 ★★★ [HOVER][PEEK][01/09][CM11]

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rom [ROM] [KK4.4.4][PIE][CM11s] ★★★ DroidKang v6.1 ★★★ [HOVER][PEEK][01/09][CM11]

Message par Post-it Mar 9 Sep - 13:26

[ROM] [KK4.4.4][PIE][CM11s] ★★★ DroidKang v6.1 ★★★ [HOVER][PEEK][01/09][CM11] 247381blueline2

[ROM] [KK4.4.4][PIE][CM11s] ★★★ DroidKang v6.1 ★★★ [HOVER][PEEK][01/09][CM11] 729571wave5[ROM] [KK4.4.4][PIE][CM11s] ★★★ DroidKang v6.1 ★★★ [HOVER][PEEK][01/09][CM11] 140616BanniereAndroidRom2[ROM] [KK4.4.4][PIE][CM11s] ★★★ DroidKang v6.1 ★★★ [HOVER][PEEK][01/09][CM11] 324109wave6

★★★ Welcome To DroidKang ★★★

Rom destinée uniquement au OnePlus One
Ni moi, ni le Forum, ne sera responsable de toutes mauvaises manipulations.

[KK4.4.4][PIE][CM11s] ★★★ DroidKang v6.1 ★★★ [HOVER][PEEK][01/09][CM11]

♦️ Post 1 : Rom
♦️ Post 2 :

[ROM] [KK4.4.4][PIE][CM11s] ★★★ DroidKang v6.1 ★★★ [HOVER][PEEK][01/09][CM11] 687312BonhommePrsentation[ROM] [KK4.4.4][PIE][CM11s] ★★★ DroidKang v6.1 ★★★ [HOVER][PEEK][01/09][CM11] 782088PrsentationChangelog[ROM] [KK4.4.4][PIE][CM11s] ★★★ DroidKang v6.1 ★★★ [HOVER][PEEK][01/09][CM11] 122957wave8

DroidKang est une pure Rom CyanogenMod 11 avec beaucoup plus de réglages et addons. Tous les fonctionnalitée CyanogenMod 11s comme l'appareil photo et LockScreen sont si incluss. Tweaks et mods sont ajoutés à chaque nouvelle Build.

Base is CyanogenMod 11 and CM11s
Ability to choose from floating window or normal window on halo notifications click;
Screenshot quick trash;
Power menu QS tile (simple press to go into power dialog or long press to go into reboot dialog);
Power menu added in navring targets;
Last app added in navring targets;
Incoming call in bakground;
Navigation bar dimensions;
Enable or disable navigation bar;
Low battery warning options;
Lockscreen PIN keypad shuffler;
Lock before unlock (Show sliders before secure unlock);
Notification drawer custom background and transparency;
Notifications row transparency;
Custom clear all recents button (place it in any corner of the screen);
RAM bar;
Option to hide app's status bar notification icons;
Status bar clock and date customization;
Open source Google dialer;
Volume panel configurable timeout;
Screen recorder;
Wakelock blocker;
Media Scanner behavior on boot;
Notification reminder;
Notification reminder flip interval;
Smart Pulldown;
SlimRoms recent panel;
Slim recent with option to show in left side and switch sizes (100, 85 and 70%);
Slim recent add favorite mode (click on app icon in recent panel to choose as favorite);
Ability to switch between recent panel styles (Stock or SlimRoms);
Improved scrolling cache;
Ability to Enable/Disable Smart Wake covers;
Ability to disable hardware keys via nav bar settings (Only visible in devices with hardware keys and enable through overlay);
Keyboard: toggle to enable/disable full screen on landscape;
Keyboard: force auto rotation on IME;
Keyboard: force to show always enter key;
Live volume steps;
Custom navbar recent long press (none, last app, screenshot, kill app, notifications panel, QS panel, power menu);
Long press back to kill configurable timeout;
People lookup settings;
Option to enable notifications with screen on;
SlimRoms Location tile with addition of labels for all states;
Brightness slider in expanded notifications panel;
Option to disable widgets frames on lockscreen;
Lockscreen notifications;
Telo Radio (Connection manager);
Smart call;
QS extended options (tiles per row - 3, 4 or 5 -- custom background color, custom text color, custom background pressed color, transparency);
Gesture lockscreen;
Pause, resume or stop downloads from notification area;
DSP Manager: Center frequency param to bassboost;
DSP Manager: Stereo widener effect;
PEEK configurable pickup timeout;
PEEK configurable wake timeout;
Appbar by ChameleonOS;
Launch floating window from notification (long click);
Launch floating window from recents panel (long click);
Option to enable/disable hepatic feedback on tiles pressing;
and much much more ...

♦️  Changelog :

[ROM] [KK4.4.4][PIE][CM11s] ★★★ DroidKang v6.1 ★★★ [HOVER][PEEK][01/09][CM11] 142156BonhommeInstallation[ROM] [KK4.4.4][PIE][CM11s] ★★★ DroidKang v6.1 ★★★ [HOVER][PEEK][01/09][CM11] 918017Installation[ROM] [KK4.4.4][PIE][CM11s] ★★★ DroidKang v6.1 ★★★ [HOVER][PEEK][01/09][CM11] 122957wave8

Vous êtes seul responsable des installations et manipulations que vous effectuez sur votre smartphone ,
ni moi , ni aucun membre du forum AndroidAddict ne pourra être tenu responsable d’éventuel dommage.

♦️ Phone Root
♦️ Avoir un Custom Recovery
♦️ Faire un NANDROID Backup
♦️ Avoir son phone chargé à 70%

Procédure :
1_ Téléchargez les fichier (Rom & Gapps) et placez les dans votre phone (interne ou externe)
2_ Éteignez puis allumez votre phone en mode RECOVERY
3_ Faites un "Wipe/Factory Reset" pour une installation Full Wipe
sinon Faites "Wipe Cache Partition" et dans "Advanced", faites un "Wipe Dalvik Cache" pour une installation No Wipe
*** Une installation en Full Wipes est très recommandé
4_ Installez la Rom
5_ Installez les Gapps
6_ Redémarrez & profitez

[ROM] [KK4.4.4][PIE][CM11s] ★★★ DroidKang v6.1 ★★★ [HOVER][PEEK][01/09][CM11] 928785BonhommeTlchargement[ROM] [KK4.4.4][PIE][CM11s] ★★★ DroidKang v6.1 ★★★ [HOVER][PEEK][01/09][CM11] 213783Tlchargement[ROM] [KK4.4.4][PIE][CM11s] ★★★ DroidKang v6.1 ★★★ [HOVER][PEEK][01/09][CM11] 122957wave8

[ROM] [KK4.4.4][PIE][CM11s] ★★★ DroidKang v6.1 ★★★ [HOVER][PEEK][01/09][CM11] 256141attention  Pour faire apparaître les liens, un p'tit merci en répondant au topic  http://r29.imgfast.n

[ROM] [KK4.4.4][PIE][CM11s] ★★★ DroidKang v6.1 ★★★ [HOVER][PEEK][01/09][CM11] Bonhomme-blanc-contact[ROM] [KK4.4.4][PIE][CM11s] ★★★ DroidKang v6.1 ★★★ [HOVER][PEEK][01/09][CM11] 943125Source[ROM] [KK4.4.4][PIE][CM11s] ★★★ DroidKang v6.1 ★★★ [HOVER][PEEK][01/09][CM11] 122957wave8

[ROM] [KK4.4.4][PIE][CM11s] ★★★ DroidKang v6.1 ★★★ [HOVER][PEEK][01/09][CM11] Xdalogo-1    Merci  à  m3dd0g  [ROM] [KK4.4.4][PIE][CM11s] ★★★ DroidKang v6.1 ★★★ [HOVER][PEEK][01/09][CM11] Avatar13

[ROM] [KK4.4.4][PIE][CM11s] ★★★ DroidKang v6.1 ★★★ [HOVER][PEEK][01/09][CM11] 247381blueline2

Dernière édition par Post-it le Mar 9 Sep - 13:28, édité 1 fois

Age : 51
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2013
Messages : 7320

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rom Re: [ROM] [KK4.4.4][PIE][CM11s] ★★★ DroidKang v6.1 ★★★ [HOVER][PEEK][01/09][CM11]

Message par Post-it Mar 9 Sep - 13:27


Age : 51
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2013
Messages : 7320

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